

Primary tabs

  • Entrepreneurship Center Opens


    Entrepreneurship Center Opens

    The Entrepreneurship Education Center (EEC) opens on campus. The center provides educational support and resources to students in addition to valley-wide women and minority owned small businesses, as well as new and emerging businesses in the Northeast Valley.

  • Aspen Institute Award


    Aspen Institute Award

    PVCC is honored to be awarded the 3rd consecutive Aspen Institute Award for the top 150 schools, placing in the top 10% of community colleges in the nation.

  • Re-Dedication Day!


    Re-Dedication Day!

    Re-dedication ceremony held May 2, 2017 in honor of the 30th Anniversary of our dedication day.

  • Commencement Ceremony


    Commencement Ceremony

    27th Annual Commencement exercises were held at Dream City Church. A record number of participants (270) received their degree or certificate. 936 degrees and certificates were awarded.

  • Community Partnership


    Community Partnership

    PVCC is recognized as an Outstanding Community Partner by Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton for work with AARP in hosting the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) tax preparation program for the past 10 years. During 2017, PVCC assisted 220 tax payers who received a total of $288,055 in federal refunds. This work included 28 volunteers who donated a total of 641 hours of their time.

  • NJCAA All Academic Record


    NJCAA All Academic Record

    A record number of Pumas (36) received NJCAA All Academic Honors, recognizing their success as a student athlete with a 3.6 GPA or better. Way to go Pumas!

  • 2017 Employees Staircase


    2017 Fall Convocation

    PVCC's 30th year kicked off with our Fall Convocation; an all employee meeting to welcome faculty and staff to the 2017-2018 school year. The program included alumni guests who shared how their education experience has transformed their lives.