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ExpansionPVCC acquires the county library facility adjacent to PVCC, July 1, 2007.
20 Great Years!PVCC Celebrates 20 years of learning!
iStart SmartiStart Smart program begins at PVCC.
BaseballGroundbreaking for the new baseball field is held.
Life SciencesGroundbreaking ceremony is held for the new PVCC Life Sciences Building and dedication of the Scale Model Solar System (SMSS) display on campus.
Interim PresidentPresident Mary Kay Kickels announces her retirement; Dr. Paul Dale is appointed as Interim College President.
Kranitz PlaqueUnveiling of the Kranitz Plaque as a remembrance of Dr. Gina Kranitz, our former PVCC President. The plaque was designed by artist and PVCC Faculty member, David Bradley.
Pathway to QQ building pathway ribbon cutting ceremony is held. The pathway connects the newly opened Q building to the north part of campus as well as provide access to the baseball field.
Cross Country ChampionsMen's Cross-Country team are the NJCAA National Championship Division I winners!
Breaking New GroundGroundbreaking ceremony is held at Paradise Valley's Black Mountain Campus. All three partners-PVCC, the YMCA and Foothills Community Foundation were present for the festivities. Classes will open August 2009.
Play Ball!Inaugural Season of Puma Baseball Team.
Black Mountain OpensPVCC Black Mountain Campus (PVCC North) opens for classes. Over 46,000 square feet of space houses 48 daytime and evening courses.
Life Science BuildingRibbon cutting and dedication ceremony is held for the new Life Sciences building, including an open house and guided tours. The 35,403 sq. ft. building provides state of the art classroom and lab space.
Festival Of TalesFirst Festival of Tales storytelling event is held at PVCC. The event is held in both fall and spring semesters, during which community children receive free books. The popular event also features storytelling, theater performances, arts and crafts as well as live music.
DesperadoFirst Annual Desperado Gay and Lesbian Film Festival is held at PVCC. The event continues today with films, art and live music.
5th PresidentDr. Paul Dale is named Paradise Valley's 5th College President.
Puma PaloozaFirst Puma Palooza event was held by Student Life and Leadership.
Soccer WinnersWomen's Soccer NJCAA National Champions!
Q Building Opens!The ribbon cutting ceremony is held for the Q building. The 65,929 square foot building is home to 26 classrooms for Math and Continuing Education as well as the Center for Teaching and Learning. Faculty offices, meeting spaces and the new Q café are included.
Buxton LibraryPVCC Library is formally named the Jo and Warren Buxton Library in honor of their donations totaling over 900 pieces of Western and Indian Art, paintings and artifacts to the college. Warren Buxton taught Computer Information Systems in the Maricopa Community College District for 39 years.