

Primary tabs

  • 1995

    Intercollegiate Athletics Begin

    Inaugural Season of Men and Women's Cross-Country, Men and Women's Tennis, and Men's Golf teams at PVCC.

    See the entire PVCC Athletic division's history here!

  • 1996

    International Studies

    U.S. Dept. of Education awards PVCC $150,000 grant to establish 13 new international studies courses and 30 interdisciplinary programs.

  • 1997

    Online Registration

    Students can register for classes online on the PVCC web page for Spring 1997.

  • M Building Groundbreaking


    M Building

    Ground Breaking Ceremony takes place for M Building, September 18, 1997

  • 1997

    Number One!

    PVCC Pumas Women's Cross Country Team finish number One at the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) championship at South Plains College in Levelland, Texas.

  • 1998


    Choices@pvc, PVCC's distance learning program, is created.

  • 1998

    Energy Efficient!

    PVCC is chosen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to pilot their Energy Efficient  Training Programs that will assist small and medium sized businesses.

  • 1998

    Number One, Two Years Running!

    Women's Cross Country team wins the NJCAA National Championships, again!

  • PVCC Open House


    Open House

    April 22, 1999 - Open House for new and re-modeled facilities, including M, E and B buildings built with $29.1 million from the 1994 bond.

  • 1999

    Dr. Kranitz

    Dr. Gina Kranitz is appointed interim PVCC president, June 1999.

  • 1999

    Kick Off!

    Men's Soccer team inaugural season.

  • 2000

    Learning Centered College

    PVCC assesses then affirms its core value of learning. The Twelve Indicators of a Learning Centered College are published and approved by PVCC's strategic planning team.

  • 2000

    Kick Off!

    Women's Soccer team inaugural season.

  • Peace Pole


    Peace Pole

    Student Leadership and Phi Theta Kappa install a Peace Pole as a symbol of worldwide peace, dedicated on November 29, 2000.

  • Dr. Gina Kranitz


    3rd President

    Dr. Gina Kranitz is appointed as PVCC's third President, May 2001.

  • 2001

    Time Capsule Opening

    Time Capsule Opening, November 19, 2001.

  • Empty Bowls


    Empty Bowls

    The Partners in Art Club sponsored the first Annual Empty Bowls event at PVCC. The Club's handmade ceramic bowls represent the millions of poverty - stricken people in the world who live on only 500 calories per day. The proceeds from the sale go to the Foothills Food Bank.

  • Community Leadership Award


    Community Leadership Award

    The North Phoenix Chamber of Commerce awards PVCC for over 15 years of service to the community.

  • PVCC Dance


    PVCC Dance

    PVCC Dance Company is formed under the leadership of Sonia Valle.

  • Paul M. Pair Award


    Paul M. Pair Award

    PVCC receives the Dr. Paul M. Pair Innovation of the year Award for the First Year Experience Program. PVCC found that students who participated had a higher retention rate than students not enrolled in the program.