Brady Newman

Brady Newman

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Brady Newman

One of the most memorable aspects of Brady Newman’s experience at PVCC was the student government events that were thrown on campus. Brady's role as Chair of Student Government was truly “life changing” as it provided him with an opportunity to actively engage in leadership positions and to learn what practical leadership looks like.

"Having small, compact classes gave me a more individualized experience, and the overall affordability of the community college can't be beat." The skills Brady learned at PVCC provided him with a deep interest for Public Service and Public Policy, which he is currently studying at ASU. Brady attributes his overall academic and extracurricular success to the guidance he received from stellar PVCC faculty members. As a scholarship recipient, he was able to attend college and this gift spurred him on to be the best possible student he could be.

Brady encourages those who follow in his footsteps with three simple words, “Do Your Best.”  Strive to put your all in everything you do.  Do everything in your power to get the most out of your education.  Get involved and strive to be a catalyst for positive social change.  Each of us has the capacity to be a change agent.  In Brady’s words: “wonderful faculty and staff + engaging curriculum + positive community = what makes PVCC great!”